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Concept Paper for the Testing of Networked Devices

The report on the Swiss Cyber Audit Institute was created as part of the Zug Cyber Initiative launched in 2019.


As part of the broader "Zug plus" investment program, the government council wanted to clarify the extent to which the canton could be involved in the 2018-2022 NCS implementation plan. With a view to two "round tables", to which the then President of the Swiss Confederation, Ueli Maurer had invited some "willing cantons" on July 8 and November 27, 2019, two project ideas were developed. Subsequently, the government council decided to further develop these two project ideas in the direction of business plans.

For this purpose, a management delegation was formed consisting of Finance Director Heinz Tännler and Security Director Beat Villiger as well as three representatives of the private sector (Thomas Meier, InfoGuard; Andreas Umbach, President of the Zug Chamber of Commerce; Beat Weiss, V-ZUG Immobilien). Dr. Thomas Held, former director of the think tank Avenir Suisse, among others, was mandated as project secretary, who was subsequently able to motivate Prof. Dr. René Hüsler, Director of the Department of Information Technology at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, and Dr. Raphael Reischuk, Head of Cyber Security Services Zühlke Engineering AG, to form and lead two working groups.