Analysis of the Cybersecurity of Hospital Information Systems (HIS)
NTC identifies severe vulnerabilities in hospital information systems and publishes recommendations
The National Test Institute for Cybersecurity NTC has carried out a comprehensive technical security analysis of three of the most widely used hospital information systems (HIS) in several Swiss hospitals. The vendors have been informed and risk mitigation measures have been initiated. The published report identifies severe vulnerabilities and provides specific recommendations for improving cybersecurity in the healthcare sector.
Find out more in our press release and read the full report:
Media Tracking
The publication of the analysis on the cybersecurity of hospital information systems (HIS) was covered in print, online, and social media. Below is a non-exhaustive list of some of the informative articles:
- Neue Zürcher Zeitung Online, January 23, 2025: Patientendaten unsicher gespeichert: Ein Bericht deckt in mehreren Spitälern schwere Mängel bei den IT-Systemen auf
To the NZZ article
- Tages Anzeiger Online, January 23, 2025: Hacker haben bei Spitälern leichtes Spiel
To the Tages Anzeiger article
- SRF, 23. Januar 2025: NTC: Schweizer Spitäler haben gravierende IT-Sicherheitslücken
To the SRF broadcast
- Corriere del Ticino Online, January 23, 2025: «Gravi lacune» nella sicurezza dei sistemi d'informazione clinica degli ospedali
To the Corriere del Ticino article
- Inside IT, January 23, 2025: Klinikinformationssysteme in der Schweiz haben schwerwiegende Schwachstellen
To the Inside IT article
- Le Temps Online , January 24, 2025: La cybersécurité des hôpitaux suisses est dangereusement défaillante, alertent des experts
To the Le Temps article