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Independent. Transparent. Neutral.

For Switzerland's digital security.


The Swiss Competence Center

for independent testing of digital products and networked infrastructures.

Increasing digitization in administration, business and society leads to a steadily growing risk through the use of untrustworthy digital products. Switzerland's security and independence are particularly at risk when insecure cyber-physical components are used in critical infrastructures. These include, in particular, energy supply, the financial market, transport and healthcare, security authorities and the army. An unacceptable risk also arises from insecure components in millions of products and digital services.

Independent security testing of digital components is therefore necessary. More than ever.
  • 57%

    of all IoT devices are vulnerable to cyberattacks. Often the consequences of a breach are severe.

    Source: 2020 Unit 42 IoT Threat Report | Paloalto Networks (2020)
  • 98%

    of all data traffic via IoT devices is unencrypted. This means personal and confidential data is exposed on the network.

    Source: 2020 Unit 42 IoT Threat Report | Paloalto Networks (2020)
  • 60%

    of all cyber attacks are due to non-updated software. Most of them could be avoided.

    Source: Costs and Consequences of Gaps in Vulnerability Response | Ponemon Institute (2019)


We test cyber-physical components for security and trustworthiness.

Sound, reliable and independent.

The National Test Institute for Cybersecurity NTC tests what is not tested elsewhere. It examines digital products and infrastructures that are not or not sufficiently tested by the private sector. We guarantee independent and extensive testing and thus make a strategic contribution to maintaining Switzerland's security. The NTC examines proactively, even without a mandate.

Out of conviction and responsibility for Switzerland.